D&C Hysteroscopy
What is a D&C hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for viewing the inside of the uterus. Hysteroscopy is performed by inserting a visualizing scope through the vagina and into the cervical opening allowing visualization of the inside of the uterus, including the openings to the fallopian tubes, as well as direct examination of the cervix, cervical canal, and vagina.
Why is a hysteroscopy done?
Hysteroscopy can be performed for both diagnosis or also for treatment and is one of several procedures that your doctor may recommend to evaluate or treat abnormalities of the uterus or cervix.
Hysteroscopy may be recommended as one step in the evaluation of a number of gynecological problems, including:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Retained placenta or products of conception after a birth or miscarriage
Congenital (inborn) anatomical abnormalities of the female genital tract
Scarring, or adhesion’s, from previous uterine surgery or instrumentation such as dilation and curettage (D&C)
Polyps or fibroid tumors inside the cervical canal or inside the uterine cavity
Hysteroscopy can be used to help pinpoint the location of abnormalities in the uterine lining for sampling and biopsy
Hysteroscopy Outlook
The outlook depends upon the individual case and the reason for hysteroscopy. Many minor surgical procedures can be successfully performed using hysteroscopy. Complications are rare, and most women recover with only minor post-procedure cramping and bleeding.